I don’t have picture in this post because it is accidentally that I’ve been there and I’m not prepared because I did not expect that I could watch a tournament of Martial Arts. The event that I’ve witness is a Martial Arts event, which held at macasandig last September 28, 2006 Cagayan de oro City. This is another event that I’ve been witness and to give my self more confident every time I saw a tournament like this. The title of the event is 1st Fiesta Cup 2006 Arnis and Kickboxing Tournament. That was not my first time to watch a tournament, but this tournament, I can say that I feel excite because most of the participants are good and some of them act like a young professional martial artist athletes. The event joining by different clubs there is Taekwondo, which is popular today, the Arnis club of Bulua, the SIKARAN of talakag bukidnon and the sanshou of axis gym cagayan de Oro chapter, which is also the organizer of the event. There are seniors and founders who watch in this event and some of them are our nation team player. Some rules of the tournament are, punching, any kind of punching as long they don’t hate below the belt and the adams apple. Any kind of kicking, the frontal kick, side kick, axe kick, turning king, jumping turning kick. This rules was introduce by the sanshou axis gym head instructor. The first three (3) fights have three (3) rounds each while the major event has four (4) rounds each until to the championship round of the event. This event is cool and especially to those people out there who plan to learn Martial Arts. So to those people who are fanatic of Martial Arts stay in this blog. Sorry for I don’t have picture in this event.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Belt Promotion in Sanshou Axis gym
The Sanshou Axis gym cagayan de oro city held their promotion in Martial Arts last September 16, 2006. The promotion includes the sparring for every student from green belt to black belt. It’s nice to watch an actual ceremony of the martial arts than to watch in the movie. If you there you can say that its nice to know martial arts and to become part of them. The ceremony includes the belting which is the most important when you receiving a belt because you are Baptist as the pure karate-ka. There is a part there that they must protect their selves for the attack of their instructor and also their visitors, which is part of the ritual of the martial arts.
This the actual belting of the club which they must be smash by the belt according to the color of there belt. The first line are mix with green, brown, and black belt while in the second line are all yellow belt which the first belt in the club.
This one part of there promotion which is the student must fight each other to try there ability in martial arts. In the picture there one on one sparring, 3 on one, and the last is 4 on one which 1 agaist 4 persons. The sparring show in the actual happend in our daily lives. It's nice to know martial arts coz you can depend your self althoug you dont have a weapon.
Monday, September 11, 2006
1st Mindanao All Women’s Teakwondo Championships
We know that martial arts are one of the biggest sports all over the world. Many young people although adult people have become enthusiast in the world of martial arts. There are many kinds of martial arts group now a day or some karate organizations, but the most and popular martial arts that known today is the taekwondo.
The Cagayan de Oro Taekwondo club held their 1st Mindanao All Women’s Teakwondo Championships at SM cagayan de oro last September 9, 2006. This event hosted by the kagayan taekwondo Jang. There are different taekwondo club from different places who joined, the places joined in that competition are Zamboanga City, Butuan City, Coatabato, Bukidnon, Iligan and our very own teakwondo club the Cagayan de oro. One of the aims of the competition is to develop the talent and skills of the young athletes and to show the sportsmanship of the tournament. The winner of the competitions will receive a medal and trophy. There are many new faces and new young athletes who joined in that event, if you observe their face you can see the nervous and tension during the fight. But as a fighter of the martial arts you must face the challenge of your self. The only thing that I observe and witness is that now a day’s woman shows their interest in martial arts and to become also a competitive athlete. Not like before that only men would like to learn martial arts but now as the generation pass by women have become enthusiast in martial arts. Because they could say that martial arts is not only a self-defense but it become you also physically feat and healthy.
This the 1st Mindanao All Women’s Teakwondo Championships at SM cagayan de oro last September 9, 2006. In this compittion you can the old and new faces who joined this event.

This the Fight between Zamboangga City and Butuan City.
The blue armor is the zamboangga while the butuan is a red armor.

This fight is between Cagayan de oro and Butuan.

This is fight 60 in the tournament between cdo and butuan city.
This is fight 64 between cotabato and zamboangga city.
Fight 66 in the tournament.

The athlete warm-up before her next fight in the tournament.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
The Martial Arts or karate for me!
As what I observed in the world of martial arts or in the world of karate it is a big help to the people who learn this kind of activity. To learn martial arts is not easy because you must learn how to suffer and to accept the challenges that you will be encounter in your training. To learn karate you must need self-discipline and to train you’re self as a professional. In karate you need focus or you need a concentration so that you can easily get the technique or the demonstration of your instructor. Some people want to learn in martial arts because they want that he/she can protect their selves although they don’t have a weapon. In martial arts the only weapon that you have is your empty hand. But some people want to learn karate is because they want other people to praise them and they bather the innocent people who have a normal life. For me as an instructor/student the use of karate is only a self-defense and to protect all the people that you love not just that you use the karate for your own good or to make a bad intension to others. Remember that if you have goal into your self you must accept the trail and challenges into your life and you must respect the right of others if you want to be respect. The best self-defense is to “RUN”, you can use the karate as your last defense if you don’t have any way to be run. The one thing to be remembered doesn’t underestimate other people by there physical appearance.