Thursday, December 28, 2006


"Discipline" that is I usually hear in some master in martial arts. But this word is abuse not only by the masters of martial arts but also in their students. Base on my experience and observation and some research the most important as a martial artist is patient and discipline, if you have this two and you use it in a right way then you will called a master because you used what you have learned in martial arts. When I was a student of martial arts I usually put in my mind that discipline is one of the must important in martial arts. I can say discipline is one of the most important because it brings you comfortable and they will respect you, not because you know about martial arts but it is because you know how to respect the people around you. To the student of martial arts always put in your mind that discipline is most of the important in martial arts. Used it wisely and you feel comfortable in your self.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Yesterday in the morning around 6 am when I’m going home and I’m waiting a jeep to ride home I’ve got this two guys behind my back. I observed them that they have a suspicious move. For safety, I across to the street so that I can see the two guys behind my back. While I’m waiting a jeep, one guy across to the street and buy cigarettes, I did not know that not only to buy cigarettes but they have a plan to hold-up me, one guy held me up with a knife at my back and say hold-up, and the other guy already move to across in the street to help to her tenant. Before the other guy make across to the street I’ve already twist the hand of the guy at my back at the same time this arm the knife in the hand of the hold upper. While the other guy across in the street he had something to pull out on his jacket and oh…my god he pull out a samurai on his jacket it’s not long but the blade is to sharp. So what I did is to run, that is the best self-defense I know, and think god the two guys did not run after me. What I learn in this experience is, martial art is a big help to our selves. One thing that I’ve learn also is don’t be confuse to what to do when the time comes like what I experience.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


There is another successful event happened in the world of Martial Arts. A Mixed Martial Arts Full Contact Competition held their 1st MISAMIS ORIENTAL OPEN VALE TUDO CHAMPIONSHIP at Mindanao Polytechnic State College (MPSC) last October 7-8,2006. This event joined by the different club in different places of the Philippines, there is from Butuan, Iligan, Cebu and from Cagayan de Oro City. The club join are Muay Thai, Himalayan Club, Muma and many other club who has different fighting style in the world of Martial Arts. The fighting style that I remember in that event are, the Street Fighting, Kick Boxing, Kick Boxing/Submission, Boxing, Karate, Judo and many other fighting style that I’ve saw in that event. There are 24 fighters who joined in the competition and the 2 of them are ladies, the 12 of them was fight in the first night of the event and the other 12 on the second night. This event happened by the help of Elite Tactical Dynamics United and Mayor Yevgency “Bambi” Emano. That event was so good for the people who love Martial Arts because you can watch the real fight and you will be entertain will. For me the fighters who joined in this Mixed Martial Arts are Champion because they have gats to fight and to prove their selves that they are real Martial Artist. When we saw the first fight of the night, the people in the crowd are so enjoy because both fighters show the fighting style what they have learn for their different master. I would like to watch the next MISAMIS ORIENTAL OPEN VALE TUDO CHAMPIONSHIP. Watch for the video that i will post in this page.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Arnis and Kickboxing Tournament

I don’t have picture in this post because it is accidentally that I’ve been there and I’m not prepared because I did not expect that I could watch a tournament of Martial Arts. The event that I’ve witness is a Martial Arts event, which held at macasandig last September 28, 2006 Cagayan de oro City. This is another event that I’ve been witness and to give my self more confident every time I saw a tournament like this. The title of the event is 1st Fiesta Cup 2006 Arnis and Kickboxing Tournament. That was not my first time to watch a tournament, but this tournament, I can say that I feel excite because most of the participants are good and some of them act like a young professional martial artist athletes. The event joining by different clubs there is Taekwondo, which is popular today, the Arnis club of Bulua, the SIKARAN of talakag bukidnon and the sanshou of axis gym cagayan de Oro chapter, which is also the organizer of the event. There are seniors and founders who watch in this event and some of them are our nation team player. Some rules of the tournament are, punching, any kind of punching as long they don’t hate below the belt and the adams apple. Any kind of kicking, the frontal kick, side kick, axe kick, turning king, jumping turning kick. This rules was introduce by the sanshou axis gym head instructor. The first three (3) fights have three (3) rounds each while the major event has four (4) rounds each until to the championship round of the event. This event is cool and especially to those people out there who plan to learn Martial Arts. So to those people who are fanatic of Martial Arts stay in this blog. Sorry for I don’t have picture in this event.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Belt Promotion in Sanshou Axis gym

The Sanshou Axis gym cagayan de oro city held their promotion in Martial Arts last September 16, 2006. The promotion includes the sparring for every student from green belt to black belt. It’s nice to watch an actual ceremony of the martial arts than to watch in the movie. If you there you can say that its nice to know martial arts and to become part of them. The ceremony includes the belting which is the most important when you receiving a belt because you are Baptist as the pure karate-ka. There is a part there that they must protect their selves for the attack of their instructor and also their visitors, which is part of the ritual of the martial arts.

This the actual belting of the club which they must be smash by the belt according to the color of there belt. The first line are mix with green, brown, and black belt while in the second line are all yellow belt which the first belt in the club.

This one part of there promotion which is the student must fight each other to try there ability in martial arts. In the picture there one on one sparring, 3 on one, and the last is 4 on one which 1 agaist 4 persons. The sparring show in the actual happend in our daily lives. It's nice to know martial arts coz you can depend your self althoug you dont have a weapon.

Monday, September 11, 2006

1st Mindanao All Women’s Teakwondo Championships

We know that martial arts are one of the biggest sports all over the world. Many young people although adult people have become enthusiast in the world of martial arts. There are many kinds of martial arts group now a day or some karate organizations, but the most and popular martial arts that known today is the taekwondo.

The Cagayan de Oro Taekwondo club held their 1st Mindanao All Women’s Teakwondo Championships at SM cagayan de oro last September 9, 2006. This event hosted by the kagayan taekwondo Jang. There are different taekwondo club from different places who joined, the places joined in that competition are Zamboanga City, Butuan City, Coatabato, Bukidnon, Iligan and our very own teakwondo club the Cagayan de oro. One of the aims of the competition is to develop the talent and skills of the young athletes and to show the sportsmanship of the tournament. The winner of the competitions will receive a medal and trophy. There are many new faces and new young athletes who joined in that event, if you observe their face you can see the nervous and tension during the fight. But as a fighter of the martial arts you must face the challenge of your self. The only thing that I observe and witness is that now a day’s woman shows their interest in martial arts and to become also a competitive athlete. Not like before that only men would like to learn martial arts but now as the generation pass by women have become enthusiast in martial arts. Because they could say that martial arts is not only a self-defense but it become you also physically feat and healthy.

This the 1st Mindanao All Women’s Teakwondo Championships at SM cagayan de oro last September 9, 2006. In this compittion you can the old and new faces who joined this event.

This the Fight between Zamboangga City and Butuan City.

The blue armor is the zamboangga while the butuan is a red armor.

This fight is between Cagayan de oro and Butuan.

This is fight 60 in the tournament between cdo and butuan city.

This is fight 64 between cotabato and zamboangga city.

Fight 66 in the tournament.

The athlete warm-up before her next fight in the tournament.

Captured by:Lawrence

Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Martial Arts or karate for me!

As what I observed in the world of martial arts or in the world of karate it is a big help to the people who learn this kind of activity. To learn martial arts is not easy because you must learn how to suffer and to accept the challenges that you will be encounter in your training. To learn karate you must need self-discipline and to train you’re self as a professional. In karate you need focus or you need a concentration so that you can easily get the technique or the demonstration of your instructor. Some people want to learn in martial arts because they want that he/she can protect their selves although they don’t have a weapon. In martial arts the only weapon that you have is your empty hand. But some people want to learn karate is because they want other people to praise them and they bather the innocent people who have a normal life. For me as an instructor/student the use of karate is only a self-defense and to protect all the people that you love not just that you use the karate for your own good or to make a bad intension to others. Remember that if you have goal into your self you must accept the trail and challenges into your life and you must respect the right of others if you want to be respect. The best self-defense is to “RUN”, you can use the karate as your last defense if you don’t have any way to be run. The one thing to be remembered doesn’t underestimate other people by there physical appearance.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Benefits of Karate

There many types benefits that we can get in martial arts or in karate. One of the benefits of the karate include the physical and mental.

Physical Benefits include:

Improved reflexes and co-ordination
Increased performance in all physical activities
Increased strength and stamina so you feel great all day
Increased flexibility and weight control for better overall fitness
Cardiovascular workouts ( heart and lungs ) to keep you in top shape
Greatly improved balance
Ability to defend yourself

Mental Benefits include:

    Improved concentration for better work and study habits
    Stress reduction and the ability to relax
    Confidence in knowing you can defend yourself and your family
    Confidence in knowing how to deal with bullies and other confrontations
    A positive attitude toward life through self-confidence and self-discipline
    Self-esteem and your outlook on life
    Respect for yourself and those around you
    Motivation and an 'I Can Do It' attitude
The other benefit that we can get in this sport is our goals in life, the purposed for making this sport part of your daily routen in you life. So when you want to achieve this goal you must ready to commit the trials and the difficulty that you will be incouter in your trainee session. Achieving these goals are incredible confidence boosters. The one long term goal that all students have is to achieve their black belt.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Counting in Japanese

Karate is usually taught using the original Japanese terms, and that includes counting in Japanese. The second syllable is slightly suppressed, so "Ichi" becomes phonetically more like "itch!" and "Roku" sounds more like "Rokk".

Traditionally, in Kihon (training of basic techniques), students produce a Ki-Ai (Shout) at the 10th repetition of a technique. In partner training such as Ippon Kumite (one-step sparring), the speed and power of each technique is gradually increased, and the 5th repetition (in some Dojos the 3rd) is accompanied by a Ki-Ai at the final technique of both attacker and defender.


Ni juTwenty
San juThirty
Yon juFourty
Go juFifty
Roku juSixty
Nana juSeventy
Hachi juEighty
Ku juNinety
Hiyaku juOne hundred

Sunday, August 13, 2006

From the Word KARA

Karate or Karate-do is a martial art that can use as a self-defense into your self. The kara indicates that karate is a technique that permits one to defend himself with his empty hands and fist without weapon.

Kara means that, just as it is the clear mirror that reflects without distortion, or the quiet valley that echoes a sound, so must one who would study Karate-do purge himself of selfish and evil thoughts, for only with a clear mind and conscience can he understand that which he receives. This is another meaning of the element kara in Karate-do.

Next, he who would study Karate-do must always strive to be inwardly humble and outwardly gentle. However, once he has decided to stand up for the cause of justice, then he must have the courage expressed in the saying, "Even if it must be ten million foes, I go!" Thus, he is like the green bamboo stalk: hollow (kara) inside, straight, and with knots, that is, unselfish, gentle, and moderate. This meaning is also contained in the element kara of Karate-do.

Finally, in a fundamental way, the form of the universe is emptiness kara), and, thus, emptiness is form itself. There are many kinds of martial arts, judo, kendo, sojitsu ("spear techniques"), bojitsu ("stick techniques"), and others, but at a fundamental level all these arts rest on the same basis as Karate-do. It is no exaggeration to say that the original sense of Karate-do is at one with the basis of all martial arts. Form is emptiness, emptiness is form itself. The kara of Karate-do has this meaning.


Judo is a martial art that was born in Japan, and it is now known around the world as an Olympic sport. Judo was established in 1882 by combining jujitsu, a form of wrestling, with mental discipline. The roots of jujitsu lie in sumo, which has a long, long history; sumo is mentioned in the Nihon shoki (Chronicle of Japan), a document from 720 that describes the history of Japan from the mythical age of the gods until the time of Empress Jito, who reigned from 686 to 697.

From the twelfth to the nineteenth century Japan was ruled by the samurai, a class of professional soldiers. This provided fertile ground for various martial arts to develop. In addition to fighting with swords and bows and arrows, the samurai developed jujitsu to fight enemies at close quarters on the battlefield. Several different styles of jujitsu evolved, and hand-to-hand combat spread as an important form of military training.

Jigoro Kano The
era of samurai rule came to an end with the Meiji Restoration of 1868,
and Western culture began filtering in into Japanese society. Jujitsu
fell into decline, but the enthusiasm of one young man rescued it from
extinction. That man was Jigoro Kano, the founder of judo as we know it
today. Kano excelled in schoolwork but had an inferiority complex about
his small physique. So he became an apprentice of Yanosuke Fukuda, a master of the Tenjin Shin'yo school of jujitsu, when he was 17 and worked to become stronger. In May 1882, when he was just 21 years old, he took the best things about each jujitsu style and created a single new school. This was the birth of modern judo. At first he had just nine students, and the dojo (practice hall) measured just 12 jo (about 24 square yards).


Kano went to Europe in 1889 to introduce judo outside of Japan. A famous episode occurred aboard a ship during his voyage: When a foreigner made fun of Kano, he threw the man down but put his hand under the man's head to prevent him from getting hurt. This illustrated how judo combined practical fighting techniques with thoughtfulness for one's enemy. Kano always maintained a global point of view, serving as a member of the International Olympic Committee, and worked tirelessly to spread judo around the world.

Kano's dream came true at the Tokyo Olympics in 1964, where men's judo was recognized as an official Olympic event. Medals were awarded to competitors in various weight divisions, and Japanese competitors swept the gold in all except the open division, where a non-Japanese champion was crowned. This was a sign that judo had already taken root in countries outside Japan. Women's judo was introduced as a demonstrationevent at the 1988 Seoul Olympics and was added to the official programat the Barcelona Olympics in 1992.

Currently some 184 countries and regions are members of the International Judo Federation. The sport is particularly popular in Europe. In fact, many more people in France practice judo than in Japan. Japan is continuing to promote judo in other countries, such as by sending instructors to regions where judo is not so well known--like Africa and Oceania--and donating secondhand judo uniforms.