Tuesday, October 10, 2006


There is another successful event happened in the world of Martial Arts. A Mixed Martial Arts Full Contact Competition held their 1st MISAMIS ORIENTAL OPEN VALE TUDO CHAMPIONSHIP at Mindanao Polytechnic State College (MPSC) last October 7-8,2006. This event joined by the different club in different places of the Philippines, there is from Butuan, Iligan, Cebu and from Cagayan de Oro City. The club join are Muay Thai, Himalayan Club, Muma and many other club who has different fighting style in the world of Martial Arts. The fighting style that I remember in that event are, the Street Fighting, Kick Boxing, Kick Boxing/Submission, Boxing, Karate, Judo and many other fighting style that I’ve saw in that event. There are 24 fighters who joined in the competition and the 2 of them are ladies, the 12 of them was fight in the first night of the event and the other 12 on the second night. This event happened by the help of Elite Tactical Dynamics United and Mayor Yevgency “Bambi” Emano. That event was so good for the people who love Martial Arts because you can watch the real fight and you will be entertain will. For me the fighters who joined in this Mixed Martial Arts are Champion because they have gats to fight and to prove their selves that they are real Martial Artist. When we saw the first fight of the night, the people in the crowd are so enjoy because both fighters show the fighting style what they have learn for their different master. I would like to watch the next MISAMIS ORIENTAL OPEN VALE TUDO CHAMPIONSHIP. Watch for the video that i will post in this page.


Anonymous said...

Wow. MMA in CdO. Sounds good. Any place here where one can train in sub grappling or judo? I'm here for a week and need to train to keep up my cardio.

dingdans said...

Hey michealmd i can suggest u to join the MUMA club here in Cdo they are located at cogon Axis Gym...

Anonymous said...

MUMA? I think I sparred with your instructor, Jeff. I ate a knee from him during our sparring session.

Malilibog said...

By the way i meet jeff only in chat coz he give me a PM when he read my blogs about MMA in cdo....I did not know that you've been sparred with jeff...

Anonymous said...


Mabuhay ang MMA!

kung papapadaan kayo sa davao pwede kayo visit sa dojo/gym namin.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Freestyle wrestling & Dumog style namin.



Anonymous said...

hi this is jeff, mike visit ka ulit dito cdo (fiesta kina ron tonight kain ako lechon hehehe), eldie saan ang club mo? spike saan ba club mo, kulit, pano ako makapasok sa davao mma scene, plano ko kasi pasok diyan, by the way guys from cdo im looking for spar partners at least 180 lbs, its gona be a co-train program, emphasis sa grappling, wrestling, submissions, and of course muay thai, cdo and nearby areas lang po, thanks

Malilibog said...

jeff this eldie and spike...ah nasa Mindanao Combat Judo karate ako ngayon...saan ba ang trainee program nyan sa gagawin mong partner jeff..?nandito kaba sa cdo ngayon jeff...?

Anonymous said...

spike im in cdo right now, im gona train boxing sa mis-or boxing gym this saturday, then sa sunday il be wrestling/grappling, ang training program place is varied, depende sa anong discipline, like for striking sa muma gym or sa sportscenter, then sa grappling depended din, whres the mindanao combat karate judo? is that sa
CU? if its sa cu i did a demo there once with mike sanchez.

dingdans said...
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Malilibog said...

its Mindanao Combat Judo karate jeff...gamay rami dri sa cdo kay gi bay chapter man jud ang trainee...dli na mao ang naa sa CU oi....gusto unta ko mo tan-aw sa n u praktis pero naa man jud ko work....

Anonymous said...

interested mo sa MMA? pwede ta mag train, set the time and date, kay i really need training partners, kay ako training partners tua pa sa gensan.

Unknown said...

actually gusto ko but i dont have time to join..dli jud kaya sa ako skid...until wen man ka dri sa cdo..?ignan lang ko kong wen and wer ang trinee lay mo tan-aw lang ko..ahehehhe.....

Anonymous said...

i train sa muma for my muay thai, but for the moment nag concentrate ko sako boxing and wrestling/grappling, ang skeds nako effective next week kay tths 6-8 mis or boxing gym, mwf 6-8 muma gym (cogon mkt.), then sat & sun 2-5 wrestling. go wer i am nalang then we can talk.

Malilibog said...

I will try go to the places nga imo ge ingon...:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Brothers ,

We need Muay Kickboxers for Thailand , we need 72KGS for PRO Fight , If you know anyone who Fits in this category Pls.send ur profile
and pics , prepare passport, include how many Pro Fights. Pls. pass. Thanx.

Master Nel

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