Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Belt Promotion in Sanshou Axis gym

The Sanshou Axis gym cagayan de oro city held their promotion in Martial Arts last September 16, 2006. The promotion includes the sparring for every student from green belt to black belt. It’s nice to watch an actual ceremony of the martial arts than to watch in the movie. If you there you can say that its nice to know martial arts and to become part of them. The ceremony includes the belting which is the most important when you receiving a belt because you are Baptist as the pure karate-ka. There is a part there that they must protect their selves for the attack of their instructor and also their visitors, which is part of the ritual of the martial arts.

This the actual belting of the club which they must be smash by the belt according to the color of there belt. The first line are mix with green, brown, and black belt while in the second line are all yellow belt which the first belt in the club.

This one part of there promotion which is the student must fight each other to try there ability in martial arts. In the picture there one on one sparring, 3 on one, and the last is 4 on one which 1 agaist 4 persons. The sparring show in the actual happend in our daily lives. It's nice to know martial arts coz you can depend your self althoug you dont have a weapon.


Anonymous said...

nice picture and nice ceremony capture you have.....

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